

Providing positive sport experiences for children all over the world.

Every country deserves an Edstart

At Edstart we know that sports provision will be different in every country, which is why we have an adaptable business model to suit the services needed within your chosen area.

Hong Kong

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After School Club

Sporting Superstars

16/11/21 – Year 3 to 6

St Andrews CE Primary School, Vicars Hall Lane, Manchester, Greater Manchester, M28 1HS

Sporting Superstars may include rounders, cricket, dodgeball, athletics, tennis,
handball plus many more activities!

After School Club

Sporting Superstars

16/11/21 – Year 3 to 6

St Andrews CE Primary School, Vicars Hall Lane, Manchester, Greater Manchester, M28 1HS

Sporting Superstars may include rounders, cricket, dodgeball, athletics, tennis,
handball plus many more activities!

After School Club

Sporting Superstars

16/11/21 – Year 3 to 6

St Andrews CE Primary School, Vicars Hall Lane, Manchester, Greater Manchester, M28 1HS

Sporting Superstars may include rounders, cricket, dodgeball, athletics, tennis,
handball plus many more activities!

A PE class sitting as they listen to their PE coach.

Sports provision to schools and nurseries

Whether your area has more of a focus on nurseries or kindergartens, privately paid afterschool, evening and weekend provisions, or maybe your area’s weather and terrains only suit certain sports. With the Edstart International business model, you will have the power to make it work using our proven and successful programmes!

Let's kick things off
Interested in an Edstart franchise outside of the UK? Contact us to see how our services can be delivered in different areas of the world.